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English, Lithuanian, Finnish, German

Target group

students of ICT-related VET study programmes

Published in


Intellectual output

As a result of the project, an innovative study unit “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” was developed and integrated into each partner country’s formal education system, thus enabling the sustainability of the project’s results and ensuring the incorporation of AI qualifications into national and European VET systems. It is a comprehensive course for VET students for getting background knowledge of machine learning processes. 

Target group learners obtained an entirely new set of skills and competences related to programming the AI. Modules integrated some of the skills learners have already obtained in programming classes before and took them to a new level of knowledge by adding machine-learning processes. Lesson materials include aspects of applicability of the learning content in different areas of the industry, thus making it oriented to future career possibilities for VET learners.


Topics of lesson materials



Autonomous Driving with Computer Vision

This topic focuses on machine learning and moving robots. Students learn to train models for recognizing pedestrians, detect and classify traffic signs and modulate the car’s behavior accordingly and interaction with other cars.

Machine Learning Agents in Game Design

Students get acquainted with game design and machine learning created agent behavior. Using a real-time development platform Unity, learners teach objects to navigate a game environment by themselves according to preset rules.

Robotic Arm and Computer Vision

A camera, a conveyor belt and a robotic arm are used to recognise items with Computer Vision and sort them out. The processes and equipment used in this topic replicate the ones used in factories. 

Impact of the intellectual output

–  Partner schools and VET sector in general obtained ready-made lesson materials to be included into their curriculum in full scope or by selected topics, as the first encounter with AI for their ICT students and teachers;
–  Learners and teachers acquired a brand new set of skills, corresponding to the needs of the industry, thus bringing an innovation to VET sector and making it more responsive to the demands of the market;
– IO developers raised their knowledge in the subject and the methodology in the process of creation and the collaboration with other developers and partner schools.