KA2 Strategic partnerships project Introducing Artificial Intelligence to Vocational Schools in Europe
No. 2020-1-LT01-KA202-078015
Project was implemented from 2020-10-01 to 2022-07-31.
In this project, innovative, interactive and multidisciplinary methods were sought in order to strengthen the key competences/transversal skills in the actual competences of learners. The goal of the project was to develop artificial intelligence skills of ICT teachers and pupils in the VET sector by offering learning/teaching/training material to respond to the demand of AI talent in the European labour market.
Project partners represent formal and non-formal education sectors:
- VšĮ Robotikos mokykla (School of Robotics), Lithuania – project coordinator, innovator in technological education;
- Kauno informacinių technologijų mokykla (Kaunas Information Technology School), Lithuania – VET institution;
- IT4Kids, Germany – educational start-up with a focus on AI initiatives;
- MCAST (The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology), Malta – VET and higher education institution;
- TAI (Turku Vocational Institute) represented by Turku Municipality Education Division, Finland,
- Sedu VET center represented by Seinajöki Municipality Education Division, Finland.

The objectives of the project were to:
1. Develop lesson materials for an innovative study unit Introduction to Artificial Intelligence – a comprehensive course for pupils who have basic programming skills, in order to equip them with knowledge of machine learning processes.
2. Integrate the study unit into each partner country’s formal education system, thus enabling the sustainability of the project’s results and ensuring the incorporation of AI qualifications into national and European VET systems.
3. Provide competence development for ICT teachers, as key actors in the acquisition and transference of new digital skills.
4. Disseminate the project’s intellectual output across VET and other educational sectors.

Activities of the project:
- Development of lesson materials in collaboration with partner schools, in order to create the most relevant product corresponding to the profile of VET learners.
- Piloting lesson materials with target group pupils, analysing skill development, and updating the product based on the survey results and the feedback received.
- Training teachers to empower them to pilot the product with their pupils and act as trainers for other teachers.
- Evaluating pupils’ knowledge and encouraging further skill development at Scrum-based international hackathon.
- Preparation of the study unit description according to the accreditation requirements in partner organizations/countries, and processing the accreditation.
- Holding multiplier events in each partner country and implementing a range of other disseminational activities to promote the project’s results.

Results of the project:
- A formally acknowledged 5-6 credit study unit Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for EQF Level 4 students of ICT-related programmes.
- Comprehensive lesson materials on different AI technologies for 60 contact (classroom) hours for the above-mentioned study unit.
- An impact survey performed before and after the testing of the lesson materials demonstrating skill development of the target learner group.
- A quality survey performed after testing of the lesson materials giving feedback and evaluation from teachers and students about the quality of lesson materials.
- More than 10 teachers gained necessary competences required for teaching Introduction to Artificial Intelligence at their school and transferring knowledge to other ICT teachers.
- 100 pupils developed skills in machine learning processes in the context of game design, autonomous driving, and computer vision.
- More than 70 learners, educators, policy makers, IT sector representatives and other stakeholders from outside of the partner organizations became familiar with the project’s outcomes during multiplier events.

Comprehensive web-based lesson materials on different AI technologies for 60 contact (classroom) hours. There are 3 topics: 1. Autonomous Driving with Computer Vision; 2. Robotic Arm and Computer Vision; 3. Machine Learning agents in Game Design.
Lesson content is available in English (slide presentations, teacher books and additional files, such as codes). Also Research reports and questionnaires. LINK: https://play.gaminu.eu/course/view.php?id=98
Slide presentations were also translated to:
German: https://play.gaminu.eu/?lang=de
Finnish: https://play.gaminu.eu/?lang=fi
Lithuanian: https://play.gaminu.eu/course/view.php?id=97
You need to create a user account to get access to the materials on play.gaminu.eu. Alternatively, you can log in with your Google account.