On May 20, 2022, a multiplier event of the Erasmus + project “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Vocational Schools in Europe” took place at a fair Comic Con Baltics Together with GameOn in Vilnius.
The members of the project team from the “Robotics School” presented the project goals, stages, partnership and achieved results.
The produced training material was presented, covering 60 contact units and consisting of three topics:
Autonomous Driving and Computer vision (20 units)
Machine Learning Agents in Game Design (20 units)
Robotic Arm and Computer Vision (20 units)
The content of the topic Machine Learning Agents in Game by the “School of Robotics” about DI training with reinforcement through the Unity program was introduced in detail.
We also shared the results of the international AI hackathon held in Kaunas on May 9-13. We demonstrated the ideas created during the hackathon by the teams of students who participated in the project.
The participants of the dissemination event – teachers and students from general education and vocational schools, non-formal education institutions – were interested in the issues of artificial intelligence security, possibilities of adapting the teaching material, and testing the teaching content.
Throughout the day of the event and the weekend after it at the Robotics School stand, all those interested could observe and try out the control of the robotic arm and the JetBot Nano robots. These learning tools are widely used in the Introducing Artificial Intelligence course.